Make a Dinner Date with 'Italian, Good Looking' Uncle Toots
acting, art, character, directing, design, performance, press, queer, storytelling, theatre, uncle toots, performance artRay Caspioperformance, press, press release
The Art of Storytelling Returns to the Cleveland Museum of Art
Creative Workforce Fellowship
acting, art, cabaret, directing, grants, lgbtq, marriage equality, other site appearances, performance, queer, teaching, theater ninjas, theatre, tingle-tangle, web mentionsRay Caspio
The Prince of Pranks
art, bewitched, caricature, celebrity, character, illustration, lgbtq, oh my stars, portrait, queer, televisionRay Caspio
This Show Is So Gay
acting, art, bewitched, cabaret, celebrity, design, exhibition, illustration, interview, lgbtq, lynda carter, marriage equality, oh my stars, other site appearances, performance, process, queer, superheroes, teaching, television, theater ninjas, theatre, tingle-tangle, uncle toots, web mentions, wonder womanRay Caspio
art, bewitched, bionic woman, caricature, celebrity, character, comic books, dynasty, exhibition, illustration, jaime sommers, lindsay wagner, lynda carter, oh my stars, portrait, poster, superheroes, television, wonder womanRay Caspio
Tingle-Tangled in [sic]
Song of Desire